- In close cooperation with our suppliers we keep a strong focus on the food safety challenges during production and transportation.
- All growers have to follow the principles of GlobalGAP and all products must comply with the EU’s limits on pesticide residues.
- Our suppliers are able to trace all products back to the exact production field within a few hours of local working time–
mainly using ERP systems (enterprise resource planning).
- Our final quality controls are executed in Holland about 48 hours prior to deliveries to the distribution centers in Norway.
- These controls include analyses of samples from various products. These analyses are partly executed in the laboratory of the
distribution center and partly by a third party laboratory in Den Haag.
- Our experience from growing vegetables in winter time has provided us with thorough knowledge to the many
challenges of modern food production and our premises are regularly visited by inspectors from the European retail business.
- Detailed reports are made concerning all aspects as: water quality, seeds used,
pesticides (soil and plants), hygiene, traceability and so forth.
- Our clients can be assured that their interests related to food safety and quality control are secured on the highest level.