
TTI aims to operate as a forward-thinking and sustainable import business that considers the people, society, and environment around it. TTI aims to strive for meeting current needs without compromising the opportunities for future generations.

  • We comply with the Transparency Act of 2021 and have high demands for our suppliers to secure health and safety of the consumers and fairness throughout the whole supply chain
  • Our Supplier Guidelines for Ethical Conducts secures a sustainable and fair trade and also gives new business partners an insight of our expectations and standards as a company

Due Diligence in accordance with Transparency Act/Aktsomhetsvurderinger i henhold til åpenhetsloven

English Norsk Styrets redegjørelse for  2023

Code of Conduct at Trygve Tønjum Import AS/Etiske retningslinjer for Trygve Tønjum Import AS

English Norsk

Sustainable Development Strategy for TTI [2024-2028]/Bærekraftstrategi for TTI [2024-2028]

English Norsk